Are your stickers safe for my pet's coat?
  • Yes our stickers use a 100% pet safe adhesive that won't leave behind any residue or cause allergies.

 Are the stickers as large as they are shown in the product photos?

  • No, the stickers are shown larger so all the details are visible. Please see our Instagram account to view the actual size on pets.

How long will the sticker stay on my pet if I don't remove it?

  • The timing depends on a variety of factors (type of coat, activity level, environment, etc.) but on average about a week.

Where is the best spot to place the sticker on my pet?

  • Ideal placement is in the middle of the forehead, but as long as it is on the coat, it will stick properly.

How do I place the sticker on my pet?

  • After carefully peeling off the paper covering the adhesive, place the sticker in the location you want while at the same time pressing lightly on the middle of the sticker for about five seconds so it makes good contact with the coat.